Veeam Certifications

Get Veeam certified
Veeam offers two industry certifications to help demonstrate your ability to manage a company’s data:
Holders of Veeam certifications have a deep understanding of Veeam Availability Suite, the critical functions required by an organization to actively protect their data and the ability to grow and adapt with an organization’s evolving data protection needs.
Veeam certifications do not simply test a student’s ability to repeat content but test how to apply knowledge in practical, commercial environments.
Global Knowledge provides authorized Veeam training courses which gives you the necessary level of expertise to become Veeam Certified. Because we are a PearsonVue Test Centre you can also take your Veeam exam on our site.
Exams and Prices may change depending on country, please confirm with Portfolio prior to purchase, vouchers must be purchased in the currency of the country the exam will be taken in.