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TOGAF® 9 is an ideal mechanism for demonstrating knowledge and application of TOGAF®. Being TOGAF® certified can significantly enhance and affirm your professional skills, improve your prospects for rewarding assignments, accelerate salary and career advancement, and result in greater peer recognition.

TOGAF® Version 9.2

The Open Group has announced the release of the TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 in April 2018.

TOGAF® Version 9.2, is an update to the previous version providing improved guidance, correcting errors, improving the document structure, and removing obsolete content. Key enhancements made in this version include updates to the Business Architecture and the Content Metamodel.

The standard has been redesigned and restructured into a smaller publication that includes separate guides. These changes make the TOGAF® standard easier to use and maintain, while retaining the major features and structure of the TOGAF® 9.1 standard.

The core of the TOGAF® framework remains the same in the new version of the standard, with enhancements to Business Architecture, and the Content Metamodel. There is an additional focus on Digital trends and business transformation beyond IT and updated references to the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard

TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.

Official TOGAF® Training at Global Knowledge: