- Datum: December 07, 2022
Microsofts Partner program has moved from Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) with 18 different competencies to a simplified program with 6 partner designations in the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP). This new partner program reflects the importance of the Microsoft cloud strategy as all parts of the program relate to cloud solutions.
Partners who were a partner in the MPN program on September 30, 2022 and meet the requirements in the new program are immediately a partner in the new program. Partners who did not meet the requirements will keep the benefits of the old program, but will not be recognized as a specialized partner in the new program.
In the new MCPP program, partners can earn up to 100 points based on three categories:
- Customer Success
- Performance
- Skilling
With points out of these three categories partners need to collect at least 70 point to earn one of the six designations:
- Data & AI (Azure)
- Infrastructure (Azure)
- Digital & App Innovation (Azure)
- Business Applications
- Modern Work
- Security
When zooming in to the skilling part of the designations it is clear that technical people need to be skilled and certified on new certifications and often need to have more than one certification. In 4 of 6 designations extra points on skilling can be achieved by adding Advanced Certifications to the minimum Intermediate Certifications.
Global Knowledge, a SKillsoft company, has a broad skilling program to achieve and maintain partner certifications. You can gain access to a robust collection of Microsoft training to build in-demand skills through the Elite Total Access Collection for Microsoft. This subscription also contains up to 4 exams to get certified or maintain certification.