Higher salaries for Cloud Skills

- Date: 22 February, 2019
We are back to the situation where new staff was recruited by offering the moon, high salaries and lease cars. Due to a lack of cloud knowledge, the demand for IT professionals with knowledge and skills about the cloud in particular is enormous. According to ZDnet, cloud computing is now beyond the hype, but the demand for cloud skills is "red hot". Microsoft Azure skills are currently the most requested in the market. The Microsoft cloud platform offers a rapidly growing range of services. This is also where a real danger lies. Employers indicate that the lack of knowledge in the organization hinders innovation.
According to ZDnet, cloud computing is now beyond the hype, but the demand for cloud skills is "red hot".
In the past, a product was renewed or updated once every three years. This meant that the associated knowledge about the product had a relatively long lifespan. The changes due to the rise of the cloud have moved so fast, that the sustainability of knowledge has notably decreased.
This also affects training programmes and certifications. In the past, a training program for Windows Server could take a year or more. However, when the same would apply for Microsoft Azure, the cloud has already evolved multiple times. A training program for one of the Microsoft role based certifications for Azure requires a shorter training schedule. The "validity" of the acquired knowledge is not long. The cloud is constantly changing and requires the cloud professional to work on it on a daily basis.